Monday, January 30, 2006

Live Via CD

I was going to make my next post regarding my choice to switch to
Linux on the Desktop full time. This post is actually on topic, but it
is a little different than I planned. Yesterday I decided to finally
remove the unused ntfs partition from my hard drive and to reinstall
Kubuntu Linux on the entire drive. I had stopped using Windows
altogether due to stability problems I was having. As it turns out,
the ntfs partition just happened to be sitting on a section of my hard
disk that was starting to fail. After about twelve hours of screwing
around with the system, I finally downloaded the drive verification
tool from the drive manufacturer. To make a long story short, by drive
is shot, but under warranty, and I now have three weeks of using a
laptop with no hard disk.

I took me a while to realize that there is a Kubuntu Live cd, which
would allow me to run my machine sans primary disk. In fact, that is
how I am writing this now. I had planned to write about all the
reasons that Linux was a good choice on the desktop. I think this
situation makes the case for me. In the past, when my Windows machine
stopped working, what choice did I have? Frequently I would have to
reinstall the operating system immediately so I could get back to
work. Thanks to whoever those really great guys were who put together
this live cd, things aren't so bad.


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